Life can be broken down into many chapters, and 2019 is the perfect opportunity to start a brand new one. But let’s shake things up a bit and take the focus off resolutions. After all, studies show that less than 10 percent of people who make resolutions manage to stick them for more than a few months. Instead, let’s think about different ways we can improve our day-to-day lives by taking small steps that lead to big changes.
Because we help families in Milwaukee, Brookfield, and New Berlin during very difficult times, the team at Krause Funeral Homes has a unique ability to see the “big picture.” Every moment counts and not a single second should be squandered. We encourage you to always be pursuing joy – whatever that looks like for you. To help you in your pursuit of life, here are some things that have made a difference for us.
Find a way to get outside.
We love the Milwaukee area. We really do – even in January! Most of our staff grew up here and can’t imagine living anywhere else. That said, the long months of frigid temperatures, icy sidewalks, and early sunsets can take a toll. This is why we make it a point to head outside every day during winter – even for just a few minutes at a time – to let the dog out (our grief therapy dog, Bennie, is our motivation here!), walk around the block, or shovel the driveway. The natural sunlight, fresh air, and exercise have countless benefits, and make bundling up worth it.
Give your brain a break.
We know our bodies need rest, but it’s easy to forget that our brains do too. Consider “unplugging” from technology more often. We find it’s almost automatic to reach for our phones when we’re standing in line, sitting at a stoplight, or even when our head hits the pillow at night. Instead, try setting your phone aside, closing your laptop, and giving yourself time away from all screens. Your body and brain will thank you for it.
Evaluate your social circle.
Are you surrounded most days by people who smile, have a positive attitude, and encourage you? Or are your friends, family, and co-workers grumpy and negative? Surely you can see how those around you impact your mood. If your social circle is supportive and leaves you feeling good about yourself, great. If not, what steps can you take to create healthier connections with others?
Start each day with gratitude.
Research shows that thinking about – and especially writing down – what we’re thankful for helps us sleep better, express more compassion and kindness, and even have stronger immune systems. You can start right now by thinking of three specific things you’re thankful for. Do the same when you wake up tomorrow morning, and the day after. Before you know it, you’ll develop a habit of thanksgiving.
Plan ahead to alleviate stress.
We’re all winding down from the hubbub of the holidays, and this is the perfect time to take a look at the future. Meet with an estate planner, start saving for that home repair you know is around the corner, or make that doctor’s appointment you’ve been putting off. Planning relieves stress. We meet with families every day who talk about how a few minutes of preplanning their funeral or cremation arrangements goes a long way toward protecting their loved ones from worry and uncertainty in the future. Contact us any time to begin learning about the benefits of preplanning.
As you take a look at 2019, what changes do you want to make that will lead to a healthy, happy year? As always, our caring team is here to help you in whatever way we can. We hope these next 12 months are filled with happiness and peace for you and your loved ones.
Since our mother was killed last June, my brothers emotional trauma has debilitated him and made him ill. He is now very low functioning and barely speaking to anyone and hasn’t been able to drive. Stays at home and doesn’t participate in the world except for therapy and medical appointments. Do you have some grief or trauma counseling available or resource ideas I can give to him and his wife. Thank uou.
We are so sorry to hear about your brother and his grief journey. I have replied to your inquiry via email. If there is anything more we can help with – please call the funeral home at 414-464-4640.