“I, Rosemarie T. Burzak (nee Nowak), died 04 May 2022 at the age of 92 years, 51 weeks, and 1 day. Church service held at St Gregory the Great Catholic church. Buried next to Joe, my husband of 59+ years who preceded me in 2009, at St Adalbert’s Cemetery, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Last of a family of nine. I want to thank all my relatives, friends – past and present, who helped me live my life.
Especially Jay & Lisa, grandkids Aaron and Amy. My daughter, Chris, who lived her life for and with me. Hope we all meet again.”
Love always;
Daughter, Sister, Joe’s wife, Mom, Mom-in-law, Grand Ma, Aunt Ro, Friend…
“ If so inclined, say a prayer for me!”