Tips for Moving on After Losing Your Partner

At Krause Funeral Home, our compassionate staff members know how hard grief can hit our neighbors across Milwaukee, New Berlin, and Brookfield. When someone close to us dies, it can feel like our world has suddenly turned upside down. When that someone is our partner, the ensuing grief is often even more devastating. Coping with this grief can feel impossible at times, which is why we’ve compiled this list of helpful tips for moving on after losing your partner:


Give yourself time and space.

After losing someone close to them, many people try to turn their sadness and anger into action. They throw themselves quickly into new activities and experiences, hoping they can outrun the pain of loss. Although this approach may seem appealing at first, in the long run, it results in people avoiding all the difficult emotions they don’t wish to face. Remember to allow yourself time and space following a loss. Give yourself permission to turn down social invites or extra work responsibilities you don’t need to take on. Do your best to prioritize self-care during this challenging time, whether it’s taking long baths at night or blasting your favorite music in the car.


Share stories and memories of your loved one.   

One of the best ways to feel better when you’re in the throes of grief is to connect with loved ones. Reach out to family and friends whenever you feel lonely and really miss your partner. Though they may not always have time to devote to you, simply being in touch may help you feel connected and more at peace. Seeing a therapist or grief counselor can give you a professional space to share feelings about your loss. Joining a grief support group, whether online or in-person, may also help you feel less alone in your grief.


Embrace grief-related resources.

 Intense grief can make you feel like you’re on an island, but there are plenty of grief-focused resources available to counteract this feeling of isolation. Lots of self-help books center on coping with grief. Audio books make listening on the go easy, and certain inspirational podcasts can also help you feel supported in your grief.


Try new things.

 Though you miss your partner and may always feel the lack of their presence, carrying on with life is what they would want for you. A wonderful way to do this is to embrace new hobbies and activities. Sign up for a ceramics class or start learning a new language.  The options are virtually endless.


If you live in Milwaukee County and wish to learn more about our grief support services, reach out to our dedicated team of funeral professionals. We are here for you 24/7.