You have suffered a devastating loss, and suddenly your life is forever changed. A new normal must be found, but moving through grief can be a long and difficult process.
At Krause Funeral Home, we want you to know you are not alone in your journey of grief. We are here to help point you in a right direction, and to help you find the support you need.
If you are struggling after a loss, we encourage you to take action now. Soon the trees will be changing colors and losing their leaves. Sunny days will become less and less, and the change of seasons can leave us feeling melancholy. The onset of the holiday season can also underscore our loss. That is why we encourage you to find the support you need right now.
Group therapy is one option. There are groups for families, adults, teens, and/or adolescents. This setting allows you to meet with others who are going through similar situations, and provides a place to openly express your feelings and experiences. Groups may or may not be hosted by a licensed professional; however, many find this environment beneficial nonetheless. If this sounds like the right fit for you, please call our funeral home and our staff can provide you with a list of local resources you can contact.
Private therapy is also an option. Sometimes we just need to be heard. A trained professional may be the perfect solution in getting past the intensity of our grief. Don’t be embarrassed to reach out; it may be exactl what you need. There are no contracts, and you don’t have to decide ahead of time if you’ll go once, or several times. Just do what is right for you.
Personal Work therapy is available for those who prefer to work through their grief privately, there are a number of great books and web resources available to you. We often recommend “Don’t Take My Grief Away” by Doug Manning, or “Healing After the Loss: Daily Meditations for Working Through Grief” by Martha Whitmore Hickman. There are several wonderful web resources as well, such as:,, or
Please know we are thinking of you as you face your journey, and we encourage you to make yourself a priority today. Life is never quite the same after a loss, but you can still make it wonderful. As Christina Rassmusen, renowned grief counselor from states, “You can do the impossible because you have been through the unimaginable.”
Krause Funeral Homes can provide you with a vast number of resources to find help and obtain information if you are grieving the loss of a loved one. Whether it has been a number of days, months, or even years, there is no shame in grief. Please, do not hesitate to call our office if we can be of any assistance.
You said that we need to take action after a loss. If I lost my mother I would probably need help from a professionally. Maybe I should ask a professional about services that they provide beforehand so that I am prepared for the loss.