If there is one thing we’ve learned in our 80 years of serving Milwaukee, New Berlin, and Brookfield families, it’s that people in our community want options. And with cremation rates rising every year, we knew in order to stay relevant for area families, we would need to provide as many permanent memorialization options with cremation as with traditional burial.
The choice of cremation or burial is a very important one based on personal, religious or societal beliefs. In some cases, preferences are known before death, but in others, family members must make this decision.
Here are just a few of the permanent memorialization options we can help arrange for your loved one:
1.) Urns
Many families prefer the idea of cremation because they know it means they can keep their loved one with them always. Some may choose to keep their friend or family member in a beautiful urn that displays some aspect of their personality or preferences. At Krause Funeral Homes, we can give you access to the options you need to find the perfect urn for your loved one’s cremated remains.
2.) Keepsake Jewelry
You will be amazed at the beautiful, meaningful jewelry options you have available to you if this is your choice. From rings, to necklaces, and beyond – it can be extremely sentimental for some to know they’re carrying a piece of their grandmother or father with them at all times. This is also a great choice for those who also wish to scatter their loved one’s cremated remains. Krause Funeral Homes helps to facilitate dozens of scatterings every year, and we have unfortunately seen some people regret letting go of all of the cremated remains. It’s definitely a conversation you should have with one of our caring funeral directors as well as your family. If scattering is your desire, but you don’t want a piece of keepsake jewelry, we can also make a smaller keepsake urn available to you.
3.) A Memorial Plaque or Other Noting
This is another wonderful option available to those who choose scattering. Should you choose a meaningful location for the final resting place of your loved one’s cremated remains, without keeping any in your possession, you can choose to erect a plaque or other memorial at the location where they were scattered, as long as local regulations allow for it. Some families choose to memorialize their friend or family member by sponsoring a bench in a park where their loved one liked to walk, or at a beach where they vacationed every summer. We can help you find out if this is possible.
4.) Burial and Interment
We find many people are surprised to learn they can still be buried when they choose cremation. You can be buried in the ground, or interred in a mausoleum or columbarium. We have great relationships with nearly all the local cemeteries, and if burial or interment is the best choice for you, we can help you find the perfect location.
In addition to permanent memorialization, we can help you arrange a visitation, service, catered gathering, or graveside burial when you choose cremation. It’s all up to you. Our professional team can explain your various options and show how cremation can be personalized to fit your needs.
We also offer a variety of Signature Services at no additional cost to make your service special, including: traditional or motorcycle hearse options, our grief therapy dog, live broadcasting of funerals via the internet, and more. Whatever your final wishes, our considerate, thoughtful staff will be sure to help you arrange a personalized, affordable cremation service.
The important thing to remember with cremation is that having a permanent memorial can be meaningful for loved ones and future generations who want to pay their respects.