Here at Krause Funeral Home, we specialize in bringing our Milwaukee County neighbors high-quality funeral and cremation services. Local families may already know we can help them plan a service for their loved one in the case of immediate need. Many families may not realize that we can also help them preplan their funeral or cremation. There are many advantages to preplanning your funeral at any age, and our Krause staff members encourage everyone to consider doing so with us.
You and your family will have peace of mind.
Putting your final wishes down in writing saves you and your family members the stress of future end-of-life decision-making. Your loved ones will feel relief and confidence knowing exactly how you’d prefer your funeral to look. When you meet with our planning experts at Krause, we’ll put your detailed wishes down in writing and keep them in a safe and secure location at our funeral home. You’ll have peace of mind knowing you’ve already made all the important decisions about your memorial service.
You’ll decide on a budget ahead of time and potentially save money.
Lots of families tend to overspend when planning a funeral for a loved one. It can be difficult to make important financial decisions when dealing with intense grief. Preplanning gives you the time and opportunity to decide exactly how much you’d like to spend on your own memorial service. Our planning professionals will help design a service that fits your budget. You can also choose to prepay for your funeral services and lock in today’s prices for everything from the burial plot to cremation keepsake items. Prepayment also ensures your family won’t have to pay more for your services later.
You’ll have clarity around your end-of-life-wishes.
The uncertainty of the future is a common cause of stress for many people. Getting your final wishes in order with our planning experts will likely alleviate this anxiety and provide a sense of clarity that can help you feel better about facing the future and all that it holds for you and your family. When you preplan with us, we’ll discuss all aspects of your service in detail so you can feel confident they will be carried out exactly as you envision.
To learn more about preplanning, we welcome our neighbors in Milwaukee, Brookfield, and New Berlin to contact our helpful staff. We are here for you 24/7.